antena sectorial

Sector antennas

Com funcionen les antenes sectorials i per a què serveixen

Sector antennas are used in a variety of applications, com les comunicacions per satèl·lit, military radio and radar, and RFID. They work by splitting an RF signal into several sectors, which can be processed separately. Sector antennas are often used to improve the signal strength of certain frequencies or channels. They can also be used to

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Sector Antenes

Què són les antenes sectorials i per què no es diuen només antenes de televisió?

Sector Antennas-The vast majority of antennas in use today are what’s called a panel antenna. Estan formats per moltes antenes petites que treballen juntes per crear una antena general més gran. What this means is that panel antennas can be placed in many different directions and can pick up more signals than a traditional

Què són les antenes sectorials i per què no es diuen només antenes de televisió? Read More »